Category Archives for Communiqué de presse

Quebec Solidaire

In the interest of getting first-hand comment and commitment on the issues that are of concern to our educational community, EPCA reached out directly to the provincial political parties in the National Assembly to ask them eight questions pertaining to these topics and our children’s education. In addition to previously published responses, EPCA has now received responses from one additional political party - their answers are attached.

EPCA Newsletter Vol. 13

Dear parents,


With the angst over the upcoming Quebec election looming not far away, we sometimes forget that a new school year has started. EPCA wants to know how it’s been for you and your children so far. We will be launching an online survey to find out so stay tuned for that survey and for our next newsletter. The results help us know what your concerns are and help us make sure we can align our services to meet your needs. There will be many more surveys to come throughout this school year, so we can stay attuned to the reality you are your children are facing.  


As soon as the election was announced, we asked all five political parties present at the national assembly eight questions. The questions were put together after months of consultations with English-speaking parents across the province of Quebec. In this newsletter you will find the answers we received. Note that no answer is an answer in our books.  


In closing, I want to urge each and every one of you to turn out and vote. Whomever you are voting for, it is imperative that our community makes their voices heard loud and clear on Election Day. This election is an important one for our community, so please vote! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions, we are very responsive and eager to help. 

EPCA Newsletter Vol. 12

It has been another long year getting through COVID and fighting for the rights of parents and English speaking students and I am really proud of what we have been able to accomplish together again this year. Students have again showed incredible resiliency in the face of a third year in the middle of change and uncertainty and parents have pulled together within their communities to support the educational needs of our children! Way to go!! 

Over the past year, EPCA has:

  • Created memory aids and tips and tricks for all levels of school to encourage student success;
  • Presented webinars for parents on a wide variety of subjects in partnership with the FCPQ;
  • Developed tips on advocating for students at schools; 
  • Worked with the OMETZ Foundation and The Betty and Bernard S. Shapiro Family Lecture Series to present Dr. Eli Lebowitz; and
  • Described in detail Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Progress Reports, and Report Cards to help parents.

We have also had to contend with serious bullying issues and provided resources for conflict resolution and combating youth violence; you will find in this issue reminders on Digital Citizenship and resources for your and your children. We also continue to fight for English educational rights when it comes to Bill 96 and the impacts this law will have on our children – especially our most vulnerable students – for many years to come.

But for now, I would like to wish you a summer filled with joy and laughter and rest. I look forward to seeing you all in the fall!

EPCA disappointed with new Assistant Deputy Minister appointment


For Immediate Release

Québec, January 27, 2022 – The English Parents Committee Association (EPCA) was taken aback when the Québec Cabinet announced on January 26th the nomination of the sous-ministre adjointe au réseau éducatif anglophone, aux relations interculturelles, et aux Autochtones to the Ministry of Education.

EPCA expresses regret for the manner in which this appointment was made and has great concerns about the new appointee’s professional profile, which includes no experience working in the elementary, secondary, adult technical and vocational systems over her career.

“The English-speaking community has been fortunate to have been represented at the Department by high-calibre educators who are recognized for their leadership and who have understood the growing needs and challenges facing the English-speaking minority community”, EPCA President Katherine Korakakis explained.

“Historically, EPCA and all of our partners have been in the forefront of assisting in the selection of the Assistant Deputy Minister overseeing our education network. We find it disheartening that an appointment of this importance has been made without community consultation” the President said.


About the English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA)

The English Parents’ Committee Association represents Quebec English-language school boards. With a team of Directors chosen by member Parent Committees, it is the official voice of Quebec’s English public-school parent community, representing more than 100,000 students. Speaking with one voice for parents and their children, EPCA represents parent interests in all dealings with the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES) and across all levels of government.

For more information contact:


Katherine Korakakis – President

Cellulaire: (514) 668-8672


Where is the Plan?

Press Release

For immediate release

                                                            Where is the Plan?

(January 5, 2022 – Montreal) – With the 17th of January maintained as the day students return to school, the English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA) is still unclear of the plan for a safe return to school.

“Today’s press conference left parents with more questions than answers,” Katherine Korakakis, President of EPCA, stated.

Report Cards

EPCA is astounded that the first report card of the school year has been pushed back two weeks to February 11th. Parents rely strongly on information sent by schools about their children; since the beginning of this school year, only one official communication has been sent to parents. ” The report card is an important tool for parents. Parents rely on the report card and the teachers’ comments to know how there child is doing in school. This allows them to make appropriate arrangements as needed in order to better assist their child with their educational success,” explains Katherine Korakakis.

Distance Learning

It is critical to consider vulnerable students, who are disadvantaged the most when school is physically inaccessible. Students with disabilities, in particular, must be able to access the ancillary services to which they are entitled, even when they are not physically present. What remedy do parents have if educational services are not delivered throughout the distant learning period? EPCA is greatly concerned about inaccessibility further impacting these vulnerable students.

Mental health issues and school dropout

Dropout prevention methods must be incorporated into the plan. Young people drop out of school for a variety of reasons, including a lack of desire and the allure of the labour market. Everyone talks about mental health, but there is no plan in place to assist adolescents who are disconnected from their environment, have lost access to their source of inspiration – such as sports or extracurricular activities – or are in despair. EPCA wants to know what the Government will put in place to address these issues.


“We’ve known for over a year and a half that there is an issue with the air quality in our schools, the situation needs to be addressed. What about air filters?” Katherine Korakakis inquires.

We have been living in a pandemic for nearly two years; we must adapt to this reality and develop a concrete plan to ensure that our children can attend school. Where is the strategy? This wait and see approach serves no one and harms both the school system and our most defenceless population – the children of Quebec.


For more information contact:

Katherine Korakakis – President

Cellulaire: (514) 668-8672


About the English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA)

The English Parents’ Committee Association represents eight Quebec English-language school boards and is the official voice of Quebec’s English public school parent community, representing more than 100,000 students. Speaking with one voice for parents and their children, EPCA represents parent interests in all dealings with the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES) and across all levels of government.

Les mesures concrètes pour améliorer la réussite des élèves

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE Pour diffusion immédiate

Québec, le 30 novembre, 2016 – Aujourd’hui, l’Association des Comités des Parents Anglophones est fière de collaborer avec la Fédération des comités de parents du Québec ainsi qu’avec nos autres partenaires représentant les groupes de parents.

Les mesures concrètes pour améliorer la réussite des élèves

Nous continuons à recommander nos propositions pour améliorer la réussite des élèves décrites dans notre mémoire sur le projet de loi 86 :

1. Engagement envers le développement professionnel des enseignants.

2. Mécanismes de soutien supplémentaire aux administrateurs scolaires.

3. Réviser la formation des conseils d’établissement.

Les compressions budgétaires des dernières années dans l’éducation ont été particulièrement néfastes pour le système d’éducation publique anglophone en plus de la politique linguistique restrictive québécoise qui limite les inscriptions aux écoles publiques anglophones. La prestation d’enseignement de qualité à tous nos étudiants est brimée par la diminution des ressources. Ces compressions ont également exercé une pression considérable sur notre modèle d’intégration inclusif recommandé par le gouvernement pour les élèves ayant des besoins particuliers.

Nous exhortons le gouvernement à aller de l’avant avec la prestation de programmes de qualité et de services qui rehausseront les pratiques pédagogiques associées à la réussite globale de l’élève. Nous remarquons également la tendance vers les résultats et l’efficacité ce qui doit être équilibré avec la capacité d’exploiter les forces individuelles des élèves pour qu’ils puissent réaliser leurs aspirations.

La nécessité d’investir dans l’éducation

• Accroitre le financement de programmes pédagogiques.

• Rétablir et accroitre le financement pour la technologie.

• Accroitre le financement pour les enfants ayant des besoins particuliers.

Le projet de loi 105 apporte enfin la disposition du droit de vote des commissaires qui représentent les parents. Nous apprécions le nouveau droit des parents au plus haut niveau de la gouvernance de la commission scolaire. Sans aucun doute, ceci présentera une nouvelle dimension de proximité et aura un effet immédiat sur les intérêts de la population scolaire locale et de la communauté.

Nous souhaitons que le gouvernement présente des solutions pratiques qui sont toujours axées sur la réussite des élèves, le soutien des enseignants et l’allocation du financement des ressources requises aux programmes et aux services.

Les parents du secteur anglophone s’impliquent activement en tant que bénévoles dans nos écoles depuis des années. Nous cherchons des solutions réalistes et nous sommes ouverts et prêts à participer à des initiatives qui amélioreront notre système d’éducation publique au Québec.

Nous demandons de protéger les droits collectifs. Notre particularité historique est étroitement liée à notre société. Nos enfants sont indispensables à la réussite du Québec.

Pour entrevues ou information complémentaire, veuillez communiquer avec Rhonda Boucher, présidente au 514-778-3722.

Rhonda Boucher
EPCA President

L’ACPA est heureuse suite à l’adoption du projet de loi 105

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE Pour diffusion immédiate

Montréal, novembre 2016 – L’Association des comités de parents anglophones (ACPA) est heureuse d’annoncer que le l’assemblée nationale a adopté le projet de loi 105 aujourd’hui.

Parmi les changements les plus importants, les commissaires-parents auront maintenant les mêmes droits, y compris les droits de vote, que les commissaires qui ont été élus au élections générales, et cela entrera en vigueur dans les 30 jours.

L’ACPA examinera les modifications apportées au projet de loi initial et se réjouit à l’idée de collaborer avec nos comités parentaux, membres et nos conseils d’administration. Pendant cette période de transition. Notre mission sera de veiller à ce que nos parents, les plus importants intervenants dans le domaine de l’éducation, soient prêts à assumer la responsabilité supplémentaire d’une manière informée et efficace.

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez nous contacter Mme. Rhonda Boucher présidente de l’ACPA au (514) 778-3722 ou par courriel

Le projet de loi 86 ne considère pas les inquiétudes des parents

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE Pour diffusion immédiate
Montréal, le 14 décembre, 2015 – L’Association des comités de parents anglophones (ACPA) dénonce le projet de loi 86. Après un coup d’œil rapide, le projet de loi 86 donne l’impression d’une présence parentale plus importante au sein des instances décisionnelles de chacune des commissions scolaires. Mais après une analyse en profondeur, plusieurs clauses viennent atténuer les gains perçus.
En tant que parents, nous ne voyons pas en quoi la législation proposée aidera au maintien de la minorité d’écoles anglophones, qui sont reconnues pour avoir parmi les meilleurs taux de rétention et de succès académique au Québec.
Malgré le fait que l’ACPA ait rencontré le ministre de l’Éducation à deux reprises afin de discuter des problèmes de gouvernance, presqu’aucune de nos recommandations n’ont été prises en considération ou mises en place. En fait, une seule d’entre elles a été adressée, mais elle est atténuée par d’autres mesures introduites dans le présent projet de loi.
L’ACPA a l’intention de consulter ses comités de parents et comités de parents centraux membres afin de déterminer les actions à prendre à partir de maintenant.
L’ACPA se joindra à d’autres organisations communautaires anglophones pour agir de concert à ce sujet.

Source: Angelo Grasso
Directeur Général de l’ACPA (514) 778-3722

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