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Newsletter Vol. 36

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, I hope this message finds you and your family rested and ready for the exciting opportunities that a new year brings. January is not only a time for resolutions, but also for reflection and renewed commitment to the causes that matter most—our children’s education and well-being.

The English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA) is here to support you in navigating the challenges and triumphs of parenting in Quebec’s education system. Over the past year, we have worked tirelessly to amplify parents' voices, advocate for equitable access to education, and ensure that our children have the tools they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

In 2025, we are determined to continue this work with even greater focus. From addressing the impacts of mental health on students to improving support for special education in our schools and fostering digital literacy, EPCA is committed to tackling the issues that have the largest impacts on your family. In the coming months, EPCA will host a series of workshops dedicated to helping parents stay well informed and navigate various issues and concerns they may face – including the forthcoming “ABC'S of Parent Governance” workshop.

This issue of EPCA'S newsletter covers midterm exam study tips for both neurotypical and children with special needs, information about how and what you need to prepare for CEGEP, school board registration dates, what is TEVA and does my child need it, and more!

This month, I encourage you to join us in preparing for the year ahead. Stay informed about educational policies and initiatives through our newsletters, attend Governing Board and Parents’ Committee meetings, and - most importantly - make your voice heard. As parents, we are a powerful force for positive change, and your involvement strengthens our collective impact.

Thank you for being part of the EPCA community.

Katherine Korakakis
President, English Parents’ Committee Association

Newsletter Vol. 29

Dear Parents,

As we enter the third and final stage of the school year, I hope you are well and looking forward to the accomplishments that lie ahead. It's a pleasure to communicate with you as we navigate this critical period together.

You should have received your child's report card before the Easter holiday. As we approach the home stretch, it is critical to stay informed and engaged, especially as Ministry exams approach. These assessments are crucial in determining our students' progress and ensuring they are adequately prepared for the next academic phase.

In addition to academic updates, the Ministry of Education recently released the
Education Dashboard. It is a powerful tool that provides our network with insightful data. Access to comprehensive data allows us to better understand our strengths, identify areas for improvement, and tailor our strategies to meet our students' diverse needs.

The detailed study of Bill 47 to strengthen student protection was completed during the same period. I am pleased to report that some of our recommendations have been incorporated into the measures outlined in the Bill. This reinforces our commitment to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all our students.

Furthermore, I am pleased that the government of Quebec provided clarification on the provision of information to English-speaking parents whose children attend English schools. This development demonstrates our ongoing efforts to ensure that all parents, regardless of linguistic background, have access to critical resources and support.

As we approach the end of the academic year, let us continue to work together to support our children's growth and development at all times. Thank you for your unwavering commitment and partnership in creating a better future for our students.

Warm regards,

Katherine Korakakis

Newsletter Vol.19

Dear Parents,

Myself and EPCA have had a very busy month working on your behalf. We are always so happy to be able to work with parents - and on behalf of parents - to advance the priorities of the anglophone parent community in Quebec. Remember to contact us with your ideas on how EPCA can help you and for suggestions for future newsletter topics. Here are some updates on initiatives we discussed in the previous newsletter.

Road safety around schools is critical to all of us. We worked with a group of dedicated parents to organize demonstrations in schools on March 15th. On Friday, 21 April, we also took part in a nonpartisan press conference. Parents presented a binder containing resolutions passed by more than 50 municipalities in Quebec urging the government to increase funding for road safety and make roads more accessible to pedestrians and cyclists. We will continue to work hard to send a clear message to the government that road safety is a critical priority for today's parents and hope to gain support from as many municipalities as possible to make real changes in our communities.

On the capacity-building front, we have held workshops for parents on a variety of topics, including Evolving from Colour Blindness, Homework 101, and the transition from Elementary to Secondary school. We also partnered with Canadian Parents for French for a Family Movie Night. We had a fantastic turnout and will continue to offer workshops until the end of the school year, including on topics such as A Parent's Role in their Child's Friendships, Social Media and Internet Safety (check out our Facebook Page) and others listed later in this edition of our newsletter.

As we are nearing the end of the school year, we've focused this issue on keeping our kids engaged and on helping parents understand the ministry exams... what they are, when they occur, and how you can help prepare your child to face this challenge head on. We wish you and your students the best of luck in the coming months!

Newsletter Vol. 14

Dear parents,
The new academic year has well and truly begun, and Governing Boards ought to have already been formed at every school. Congratulations to all the parent members who were recently elected or re-elected. 

As the entity responsible for making decisions at a school, the Governing Board (GB) is an important component of Parent Governance and the educational ecosystem. Are you aware of the many opportunities and obligations that come with having a GB? The more we understand our responsibilities and authority, the more effective and engaged we can be as volunteers. And as parents, the more you can understand how to hold your school and the GB accountable for the educational decisions that affect your child. You can consult our guide manual here.   

Another important event happening currently is that IEP’s are being written for your children. EPCA has written a couple of blog posts to help guide you as you make the most of your child’s IEP meeting, including how to prepare to have conversations about your child’s IEP. 

Finally, the first progress reports have just come out for this academic year. This is an important milestone in your child(ren)’s academic journey this year and an important time to reflect with them – and their teachers if necessary – on how things are going. Don’t feel overwhelmed… there are many supports available if required! 

Information on all of the above can be found in this edition of the newsletter as well as on our website at and our partner site at 

Have a wonderful start to Fall!

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