Newsletter Vol. 14

Dear parents,
The new academic year has well and truly begun, and Governing Boards ought to have already been formed at every school. Congratulations to all the parent members who were recently elected or re-elected. 

As the entity responsible for making decisions at a school, the Governing Board (GB) is an important component of Parent Governance and the educational ecosystem. Are you aware of the many opportunities and obligations that come with having a GB? The more we understand our responsibilities and authority, the more effective and engaged we can be as volunteers. And as parents, the more you can understand how to hold your school and the GB accountable for the educational decisions that affect your child. You can consult our guide manual here.   

Another important event happening currently is that IEP’s are being written for your children. EPCA has written a couple of blog posts to help guide you as you make the most of your child’s IEP meeting, including how to prepare to have conversations about your child’s IEP. 

Finally, the first progress reports have just come out for this academic year. This is an important milestone in your child(ren)’s academic journey this year and an important time to reflect with them – and their teachers if necessary – on how things are going. Don’t feel overwhelmed… there are many supports available if required! 

Information on all of the above can be found in this edition of the newsletter as well as on our website at and our partner site at 

Have a wonderful start to Fall!

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