The deadline to change your situation is APRIL 1st
Please make sure you are paying your school tax where you want to, be it to the ENGLISH System or the FRENCH System. This does not have to be where your child goes to school and can be your choice even if you don't have child currently going to school. If you have don't know where your taxes are going or if you want to change where your school taxes are going, please follow the links below. You can also call your school board and they will be able to assist you.
*English Montreal School Board
*Lester B Pearson School Board (514) 422-3000
New Frontiers School Board (450) 691-1440
Western Quebec School Board (819) 684-2336
Riverside School Board (450) 672-4010
Sir Wilfred Laurier School Board (450) 621-5600
Central Quebec School Board (418) 688-8730
Eastern Shores School Board (418) 752-2247
Eastern Townships School Board (819) 868-3100
*On the Island of Montréal school taxes are paid to a central body (CGTSIM) and then redistributed according to population and need. School boards on the Island (EMSB and LBPSB) and School Service Centres do not collect their own school tax.