Did you know that there are educational paths specifically for our little ones, regardless of their disabilities, disorders or challenges?
ON April 11th2024 at 7 PM, the Direction de l'adaptation scolaire of the Ministère de l'Éducation will be presenting these specific educational paths at our open forum on "Children with special needs - what educational paths are possible?
Open to all, and more particularly to parents of children with disabilities or learning or adjustment difficulties, this presentation will give you the opportunity to learn more about what can be offered to your child, and to discuss the subject with representatives of the Ministère de l'Éducation.
We'll be talking about the following paths:
- PFEQ (Programme de formation de l'école québécoise) - the famous straight line from kindergarten to secondary school leading to a DES diploma
- CAPS 1 (Compétences axées sur la participation sociale) - for students aged 6 to 15 with a moderate to severe intellectual disability
- CAPS 2 (Social Participation Skills) - for students aged 15 to 21 with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities. This program, which is still being drafted, will replace the current DÉFIS (Démarche éducative favorisant l'intégration sociale).
- PEDIP (Programme éducatif destiné aux élèves ayant une déficience intellectuelle profonde) - for students aged 4 to 21.
- PFAE (Programmes de formation axés sur l'emploi) - this program has 2 different components:
- FMS (Formation Métier Semi-spécialisé) - for students aged 15 and over who have achieved the objectives of the elementary school program in French (or English, depending on the language of instruction) and math, but have not obtained any junior high school credits.
- FPT (Formation Préparatoire au Travail) - for students aged 15 and over who have not achieved the objectives of the primary program in French (or English, depending on the language of instruction) and mathematics.