Minister Of Education Declares Three Days On The School Calendar As ‘Planning Days’ For Teachers

Dear parents,

As you may have heard, the Minister of Education has declared that three days on the school calendar this year will be designated as ‘planning days’ for teachers.

This is a significant announcement, and the English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA) is applauding this move to ensure teacher training, particularly in online learning, which has become a key concern of parents and stakeholders since the beginning of the pandemic.

Each school board will determine which three days in their school calendar work best for them, but we feel that the days devoted to professional training is good news for our children, as is the announcement of daycare considerations. If your child cannot stay home alone and must attend daycare during these planning days, they can, and the government will cover the costs. Parents do not have to pay for it.

The training is expected to help teachers – the central resources in the entire educational system – to perfect their skills and help equip them to make the swift transition to online learning in the event of another round of complete school closures. This is a solid investment in our system and in our students, helping bridge the gap between teachers and their abilities to teach online, to maintain the continuity of our children's education.

Teachers are the key, and it is imperative that these three days are offered to them so that they can get the support and training they require to support our children, without parents having to scramble for childcare options.

The English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA) will continue to faithfully represent parent interests as the official voice of parents in the English public school system, bring that unwavering commitment to all representations with all levels of government and our educational partners.

Stay safe, and we wish you and your children continued success in the school year.


Katherine Korakakis,

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