EPCA Elects New President

PRESS RELEASE For immediate diffusion EPCA Elects New President Montreal, November 2015 – The English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA) is pleased to announce that Rhonda Boucher, Western Quebec School Board Parent Commissioner, EPCA Director and EPCA Vice-President, was elected President of the EPCA following elections held on Saturday, November 14th . The elections took place during the EPCA’s Annual General Assembly on this date, where Mike Nalecz, Lester B. Pearson School Board Parent Commissioner and EPCA Director, was elected Vice-President. Andy Simon, Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board EPCA Director, was re-elected as Treasurer. The EPCA’s Board of Directors would like to thank outgoing President Pierre Chouinard for his time, contribution and dedication to the Association. For further information and contact please call (514) 778-3722 or e-mail info@epcaquebec.org

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