For Immediate Release
Québec, January 27, 2022 – The English Parents Committee Association (EPCA) was taken aback when the Québec Cabinet announced on January 26th the nomination of the sous-ministre adjointe au réseau éducatif anglophone, aux relations interculturelles, et aux Autochtones to the Ministry of Education.
EPCA expresses regret for the manner in which this appointment was made and has great concerns about the new appointee’s professional profile, which includes no experience working in the elementary, secondary, adult technical and vocational systems over her career.
“The English-speaking community has been fortunate to have been represented at the Department by high-calibre educators who are recognized for their leadership and who have understood the growing needs and challenges facing the English-speaking minority community”, EPCA President Katherine Korakakis explained.
“Historically, EPCA and all of our partners have been in the forefront of assisting in the selection of the Assistant Deputy Minister overseeing our education network. We find it disheartening that an appointment of this importance has been made without community consultation” the President said.
About the English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA)
The English Parents’ Committee Association represents Quebec English-language school boards. With a team of Directors chosen by member Parent Committees, it is the official voice of Quebec’s English public-school parent community, representing more than 100,000 students. Speaking with one voice for parents and their children, EPCA represents parent interests in all dealings with the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES) and across all levels of government.
For more information contact:
Katherine Korakakis – President
Cellulaire: (514) 668-8672
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