Leaders of Quebec’s English-speaking community took a stance against the Quebec Governement’s planned school board reforms on December 16, 2015.
Source: www.youtube.com
Town Hall Meeting. Heritage Regional High School – February 02, 2016. 7:30 PM This is an important opportunity for everyone to learn more about Bill 86: An A…
Source: www.youtube.com
Parents with children in the Riverside school board had a lesson on Bill 86 last night from a lawyer, and it wasn’t very optimistic.
Source: montreal.ctvnews.ca
Pierre Moreau is still recovering from a flu-like virus at home.
Source: montrealgazette.com
BREAKING: LBPSB votes to postpone closure of Lakeside Academy until December. Will revisit then. @Global_Montreal https://t.co/jcZG9RLEDZ
Source: twitter.com
Watch Focus Montreal: David Birnbaum on Bill 86 Video Online, on GlobalNews.ca
Source: globalnews.ca
Life is about making the right choices and enjoying the journey. It is a New Year and time to make changes happen. Monday, January 11th, 2016, 15 students began their studies in the Assistance in Health Care Facilities program at CVCEC.
Source: nfsb.me
Did you know that Riverside School Board is the birth place of the French Immersion program we see today in most English schools? For more information: Watch…
Source: www.youtube.com
https://t.co/ZFCKojccux. Gregory first article for emsb
Source: www.emsbupdate.com
The English Montreal School Board was furious about its exclusion from national assembly hearings on Bill 86, legislation that, if passed, will profoundly change the structure of school boards in Quebec.
Source: montreal.ctvnews.ca
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