Ask our President

Question: Why does my child hate school, especially during back-to-school time when other kids seem excited?

Presidents Answer
Kids say they hate school for many different reasons. Children with learning and thinking differences often experience negative messaging from teachers and peers and that can be hurtful and can certainly be a contributing factor for a child’s dislike of school. Kids who struggle academically and socially often suffer from anxiety as well, and that makes facing school more challenging. Tests, homework, “boring” lessons, mean kids etc. can all make a child’s school experience difficult. When kids say they hate school it is important to listen to them, validate their feelings, and try to zero in on what is causing this big feeling.
For little kids, it might be just the idea of separating from home that causes feelings of uneasiness and fear. A bus ride or having a locker for the first time can trigger anxiety. Older kids might have concerns about their ability to keep up academically or to fit in socially
that causes them to say they hate school.


Once you determine what is causing your child’s negative feelings about school, you can work with your child, the school and appropriate professionals to address their concerns in a proactive and positive way. Going back to school and getting back on a good schedule takes work and often heightens anxiety. Listening to your kids and working with them to develop some strategies to deal with their concerns will make the adjustment easier.