What to do to register your child for English education in Quebec?

To be able to attend public or private English school * or to follow a French immersion program in Quebec, students must be eligible to receive education in English as specified by the Government of Quebec in the Charter of the French language .


To find your school board, please enter the first three characters of your postal code in the "My School Board" search box below.

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In most cases, all new registrations for the school year are made at the primary or secondary school. Please confirm the specific dates with your school board. Usually, registrations are made in late January before the start of the next school year in September.

The request for the Declaration of Eligibility for Teaching in English must be made during the registration period before the start of the following school year. Please click on the link for more details on the procedures to follow: Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

If you have not been able to submit the application for the Eligibility Declaration on time, there is still a deadline to do so: usually June 1, before the start of the new school year. If you find yourself in this situation, you must go directly to your school board to submit the required documents. This applies to all elementary and secondary schools across Quebec. If you are unsure of the procedures to follow, do not hesitate to contact your school board for further information.

Kindergarten education is available to children five years of age by September 30.

Primary education is offered to children six years of age by September 30.

To attend an English-language secondary school, students must have their Declaration of Eligibility or their permanent code (which identifies each student who attends an educational institution in Quebec).

Please click here to access the Frequently Asked Questions of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

In the event that you wish to enroll your child in a public English school, and the child has previously attended a private English school, there is now an assessment system of points to determine eligibility. Please contact the enrollment department of your school board for more information.

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