For Immediate Release
Quebec Schools to remain closed until May 1
Parents understand the priority is the health of our students
Québec, March 22, 2020 — The Federation of Quebec Parents' Committees (FCPQ) and the English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA) welcome the government's efforts to curb the spread of coronavirus in Quebec and understand the decision to extend the closure of schools.
“We have always prioritized academic success, but we are currently living in an exceptional situation during which everyone's priority must be the health and safety of our fellow citizens. Parents must contribute to the effort and follow the instructions of the public health department and the government, " said Kévin Roy, President of FCPQ.
"We appreciate working with the Minister, the ministry and education partners, during this tumultuous period of time, to find solutions to reduce the anxiety levels of our children and parents," said Katherine Korakakis, President of EPCA.
• Schools will be closed, minimally, until May 1, 2020.
• The end of year ministerial exams are canceled and the missed school period will not be taken over.
• Tools and details will be announced ahead of March 30 to allow parents to help their children maintain their skills. There will be no new
learning during school closings and activities will be optional.
“The ministry has ensured EPCA that English educational tools will also be put in place to help support parents whose children attend English language schools,” said Katherine Korakakis.
“We are committed to relay parents' concerns and recommendations and ensure that the measures in place are accessible and equitable for all, and for students with special needs in particular," concluded Kévin Roy.
The FCPQ and EPCA offer their full collaboration to continue to work with their partners in the Education sector as well as with the Minister and the ministry of Education.
Profil de la Fédération des comités de parents du Québec (FCPQ)
La FCPQ regroupe, depuis 45 ans, les comités de parents des commissions scolaires du Québec et soutient les parents bénévoles soucieux de la participation parentale au sein des écoles publiques primaires et secondaires dans le but d’assurer la qualité de l’éducation offerte aux enfants.
English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA) profile
EPCA is a coalition of parent committees from English-language school boards across Quebec, representing nearly 100,000 students in the English language youth sector.
Sources :
Stéphanie Rochon
Responsable des communications
Cell : (581) 985-7137
Email : communications@fcpq.qc.ca
Katherine Korakakis
Cell : (514) 668-8672
Email : president@epcaquebec.org
News resources
The Suburban -Parent leadership welcomes announcement of extended closure