Newsletter Vol. 15

Dear Parents, 

The first report cards for this school year have been distributed and it is now time for Parent Teacher Interviews. 

EPCA has developed a number of tools to help you with your first in-person meeting with your children’s teachers in over two years! While this may be an intimidating time for both you and your child, it is a great opportunity to learn more about what they are doing every day at school and should be seen as a key moment to get involved in their educational journey. 

In other exciting news, EPCA will hold its Annual General Assembly on December 3rd.  This is the start of our new year and the time when we elect the new Executive, approve important documents, and set the stage for our activities for the next 12 months. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Directors from the various Parents’ Committees across Quebec who worked so hard this past year to give our parent community many needed resources and a voice. Though there have been many challenges, we have made great strides in many areas and I’m looking forward to continuing the hard work next year. 

I encourage you to sign up for our newsletter on our website ( and to follow EPCA on Facebook for the most recent news, events, and other important information. According to research, students whose families are involved in school perform better. 

Happy Parent Teacher interviews! 

Katherine Korakakis

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