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New Education Minister

Québec Government announces New Education Minister – Pierre Moreau

Pierre Moreau

In a major cabinet shuffle announced today, by Québec’s Premier Philippe Couillard, the Québec government has appointed MNA Pierre Moreau as the new Education Minister.

As reported in Le Devoir:

Mr. Couillard hands over the reins of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to Pierre Moreau. Mr. Moreau will notably ensure the unhindered passage of legislation to amend the organization and governance of school boards.

Original French M. Couillard confiera les rênes du ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur à Pierre Moreau. M. Moreau devra notamment assurer l’adoption sans encombre du projet de loi modifiant l’organisation et la gouvernance des commissions scolaires.

Québec Government announces New Education Minister – Task of implementing Bill 86
With the QESBA and its associated school boards carrying out a very personal confrontation with the previous Education Minister Francois Blais, they are now facing a new minister who will have the task of implementing Bill 86.

They will no longer have Mr. Francois Blais to blame for their opposition to Bill 86. In a rather ironic twist , it will now be Employment Minister Francois Blais, in his new post as employment minister, who will be in charge of possibly finding new jobs for commissioners and some QESBA officials.

As currently written, Bill 86 will put an end to elected School Boards and current commissioners would see their positions annulled within 15 days of passage of the Bill.

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