Newsletter Vol. 16

Dear Parents, 

Happy New Year! 

I hope your family enjoyed the break and that your new year has gotten off to a good start. Schools are gearing up again quickly and so much is already happening both in schools and in the educational system in Quebec. 

At the high school level, the 2nd semester is coming to an end and mid-terms are upon us. We present in this newsletter some tips to reduce exam-related anxiety. Report cards will soon be out and Parent / Teacher meetings will be available soon. However, there are always opportunities to speak to your teachers and school administration, even if there are not formal meetings being held. 

EPCA has recently stood up its new Board of Directors as a result of democratic elections flowing from the local school and school board levels. We are very excited to have many new Directors join us and are equally thrilled with those who have come back for another year to move forward many exciting and important initiatives. 

The Quebec government has also installed a new Student Ombudsman whose role is to support students and parents in the complaints process. More information can be found in the newsletter. 

Finally, we are excited to share the results of our recent survey on special needs students. We hope you find all of this information very useful! 

Take good care everyone and have a great month!

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