Bill 86 March 8 Hearings

Bill 86 March 8 Hearings List
Bill 86 March 8 Hearings began at 3:30pm and ended at 9:45pm.

Listed below are links to the Bill 86 hearings scheduled for March 8th, 2016 in the Salle Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine of the Quebec Assembly.
Click on the hyperlinks to watch, hear and read their views.


Comité de Parents de la CSMV (CPCSMV) - Bill 86 Hearings

The Parent Committee of the Marie Victorin School Board

Comité de Parents de la CSMV'S audience for the Bill 86 Hearings is set for March 8th, 2016 between 4:15pm - 5:00pm, and to be held at the National Assembly in Quebec City in the Salle Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine.


Fédération des éducateurs et éducatrices Physiques Enseignants du Québec – Bill 86 Hearings

Fédération des éducateurs et éducatrices Physiques Enseignants du Québec – Audience
The Fédération des éducateurs et éducatrices Physiques Enseignants du Québec (FÉÉPEQ)’s audience for the Bill 86 Hearings is set for March 8th, 2016 between 7:30pm – 8:15pm, and to be held at the National Assembly in Quebec City in the Salle Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine.

Below is a short video to familiarize you to the FÉÉPEQ

Capsule promotionnelle de la Fédération des éducateurs et éducatrices Physiques Enseignants du Québec: Je suis éducation physique!


Fédération Des Chambres De Commerce Du Québec (FCCQ) - Bill 86 Hearings

Fédération Des Chambres De Commerce Du Québec's audience for the Bill 86 Hearings is set for March 8th, 2016 beteen 3:30pm - 4:15pm, and to be held at the National Assembly in Quebec City in the Salle Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine .


Coalition Pour L’avenir Du Réseau Scolaire Anglophone - Bill 86 Hearings

The Coalition Pour L’avenir Du Réseau Scolaire Anglophone's audience for the Bill 86 Hearings is set for March 8th, 2016 between 5:00pm - 5:45pm, and to be held at the National Assembly in Quebec City in the Salle Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine.


Association Of Administrators Of English Schools Of Quebec (AAESQ) – Bill 86 Hearings

The Association of Administrators of English Schools of Quebec (AAESQ)’s audience for the Bill 86 Hearings is set for March 8th, 2016 between 8:15pm – 9:45pm, and to be held at the National Assembly in Quebec City in the Salle Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine.

Association Of Directors General Of English Schools Boards Of Quebec (ADGESBQ)

Purpose/Mandate: To influence the development of educational policies in Quebec and to promote the professional interests of its members.