(November 29, 2020) – Montreal, QC
The English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA) will begin another year with a strengthened and diverse team following its virtual Annual General Assembly held last Saturday.
Seven new directors were elected to the 16-member board, which is the official voice of Quebec’s English public school parent community, representing more than 100,000 students.
This new team represents a welcome break from the past with this unprecedented level of new interest.
English Montreal School Board delegate Katherine Korakakis, and Sir Wilfrid Laurier delegate Ailsa Pehi, were re-elected as President and Vice-President, respectively.
Korakakis, who chairs the Hampstead School governing board and sits on the EMSB Parent Committee executive, says the year's greatest accomplishment was the repairing and building of bridges and new relationships with educational partners. “We worked diligently to keep parents informed of all developments with Bill 40 and COVID as they evolved, and reached more parents than ever before,” she says, adding “throughout the year EPCA’s reach extended beyond its traditional grasp, as we acquired a greater independent voice in the governance discussion.
“With invigorated leadership, a forward-looking vision, and new Strategic Plan,” says Korakakis, “EPCA’s future has never been brighter.”
Pehi agrees. The Laval Senior Academy governing board chair says, “This new autonomy and greater relevance outside the established stakeholder ‘bubble’, has brought new ideas and new strength to our team, as we continue to stake a greater place for parents on all matters of education, against increasing challenges, both political and organizational. From Bill 40 and elections, to all COVID-related matters, including distance learning, transportation and hygiene measures, EPCA was and will continue to be at the table.
“I'm absolutely thrilled that we have so many members who are new to governance, and they are full of energy, creativity, and enthusiasm, ready to take on these increasingly vital roles. Leveraging our new visibility and partnerships with our Francophone counterparts, we have boosted our credibility and empowered our position at various government forums with the relevant political and bureaucratic actors,” she concludes.
For more information contact:
Katherine Korakakis - President