EPCA’s Guides for Parent Governance & Involvement 

The English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA) plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between home and school, committed to enhancing the well-being and academic success of our children. Together, we can collaborate to improve the quality of education by supporting initiatives that foster creativity, critical thinking, and a global perspective.

We strongly encourage parents to take an active role in the events and governance activities offered by your schools. To support you in this journey, EPCA has developed a series of practical guides designed to help you navigate Parental Governance and provide you with the essential tools to make informed and impactful contributions to the educational system.

Your involvement, passion, and dedication are invaluable to our shared goal of providing the highest quality education for the next generation. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

If you would like more information that isn’t in the guides, or to speak directly with someone from EPCA, contact us at: (514) 778-3722 or president@epcaquebec.org.

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