EPCA statement on LEARN Quebec

Press Release

For Immediate Release

In a recent survey of 3,000 parents across the province concerning the online tutorial program provided by LEARN, EPCA learned that significant gains were achieved by students who participated. These improvements ranged from increased confidence and motivation to higher grades and scores attained by the children on tests and exams.

EPCA has already been made aware of the increased demand for these tutorials by parents who are looking for more sessions or, in some cases, longer sessions. Despite the evidence in support of the success of the LEARN program, the Ministry of Education has decided to cut back on funding rather than finding the means to support its growth and further development to support the education of our children.

EPCA is calling on the Minister of Education to reverse course and to support the request for funding for the estimated 50,000 LEARN tutoring sessions forecasted for this school year. The Verificatrice General has in the past chastised the MEQ for moving ahead on initiatives without evidence of their overall efficacy; however, now that we have evidence of a program that succeeds in key performance indicators, the MEQ has decided to reduce its funding! Last year, over 35,000 sessions were given by LEARN and the current rate of growth more than justifies properly and fully funding this program.

For further information, you can find below a link to the survey, which was conducted by a third party to ensure validity, as well as a short video by the author of the study summarizing the report:

  • About the English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA)
  • EPCA is a coalition of parent committees from English-language school boards across Quebec and is the official voice of parents of students in Quebec English-language school boards, representing nearly 100,000 students in the youth sector.

For more information contact:

  • Katherine Korakakis - President
  • President@epcaquebec.org
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