EPCA Newsletter Vol. 13

Dear parents,


With the angst over the upcoming Quebec election looming not far away, we sometimes forget that a new school year has started. EPCA wants to know how it’s been for you and your children so far. We will be launching an online survey to find out so stay tuned for that survey and for our next newsletter. The results help us know what your concerns are and help us make sure we can align our services to meet your needs. There will be many more surveys to come throughout this school year, so we can stay attuned to the reality you are your children are facing.  


As soon as the election was announced, we asked all five political parties present at the national assembly eight questions. The questions were put together after months of consultations with English-speaking parents across the province of Quebec. In this newsletter you will find the answers we received. Note that no answer is an answer in our books.  


In closing, I want to urge each and every one of you to turn out and vote. Whomever you are voting for, it is imperative that our community makes their voices heard loud and clear on Election Day. This election is an important one for our community, so please vote! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions, we are very responsive and eager to help. 

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