Category Archives for Lettre du President

ACPA Loi 86 Mémoire

Dear parents,

On April, 5th, the English Parents’ Committee Association will be presenting a brief at the Culture and Education committee hearings on Bill 86 in Quebec City. The presentation is scheduled to start at 10:30 and ends at noon. It will also be webcast via the National Assembly web site, available at the link given below

After consultation with our member parent committees, we found that some elements of the proposed legislation to be positive while others drew concerns. Our starting point was to ensure that all efforts that have been made to advance our children’s education in the past couple of years would not be harmed going forward or cause instability. Our position has been carefully thought through so as to respect the varying views of our member committees while at the same time promoting the success of our English schools that in many communities across Quebec are the centers of social and cultural interactions.

EPCA’s role as the provincial advocate for Quebec’s English public school parent committees is guided and centered on the student and student success. EPCA’s Board of Directors, made up of parent volunteers, is committed to better the education of our children, lobby for fair and equitable funding be made available for public education and defend our linguistic minority schools so they may continue to help graduate bilingual students into our distinct society.

On Tuesday morning, we invite you to visit EPCA website where EPCA’s Bill 86 brief will be posted. We ask that you kindly share with fellow parents in your school board.

Lastly, we would like to thank the many parent volunteers in our schools, that over the years, have been key contributors to the English public school systems’ success.

Rhonda Boucher
President of EPCA

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