It’s Time to Spring Forward!

Spring Forward Without the Struggle: Helping Kids Adjust to Daylight Saving Time

It's that time of year again-when we set the clocks forward and trade an hour of sleep for a little more evening sunshine. While many of us welcome the brighter evenings, the loss of an hour can throw off sleep schedules, especially for kids. If you're dreading the groggy mornings and bedtime battles, here are some simple strategies to help the whole family ease into the time change.

1. Keep Bedtime Routines Consistent

Kids thrive on routine, so try to keep bedtime as predictable as possible, even with the time change. Their internal clocks may need a few days to adjust, so consider shifting bedtime gradually-by 10 or 15 minutes each night leading up to the time change. This slow adjustment can make the transition smoother.

It's also important to be patient with yourself and your child. A little extra crankiness is normal in the first few days, so give yourselves some grace.

2. Encourage Physical Activity During the Day

Movement is key to better sleep! Encourage outdoor play, after-school activities, or even a family walk. Exposure to natural light during the day helps regulate the body's internal clock and signals when it's time to be awake and when it's time to wind down.

In the evening, incorporate calming activities like stretching, coloring, or reading to help kids transition into sleep mode.

3. Power Down Electronics Before Bedtime

Screens are a major sleep disruptor. The blue light from tablets, TVs, and phones can interfere with melatonin production, making it harder for kids (and adults) to fall asleep. Try creating a "no screens before bed" rule and have everyone unplug at least 30 minutes before lights out.

If your child resists, make it a family habit-show them that you're putting your phone away too. Use this time for quiet bonding activities like reading a bedtime story or talking about the day.

4. Use a Bedtime Checklist

For younger children, a visual bedtime checklist can make getting ready for bed feel more like an adventure and less like a battle. Work together to create a step-by-step routine-brushing teeth, putting on pajamas, reading a book, and so on. This gives kids a sense of control and helps reinforce good sleep habits.

5. Prioritize Your Own Sleep Too

Parents, don't forget that your rest is just as important! If possible, schedule small breaks throughout the day to recharge. Whether it's a short nap, a few minutes of quiet reading, or simply stepping outside for fresh air, taking care of your own energy levels will make it easier to help your kids adjust too.

Embracing the Time Change with Less Stress

Adjusting to the time shift can take a few days, but with a little planning and patience, your family can ease into the new schedule without too much disruption. Stick to routines, get outside, unplug at night, and most importantly-be kind to yourselves. Before you know it, those brighter evenings will feel like a welcome gift, not a groggy struggle.

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